People’s choice
Awarded by anonymous online voting for most popular choice.
1. Viva Las Vegas!
2. The Tinsel City Track
3. A Little Elf Wedding Chapel
4. Siegfried & Roy’s Candy Cave of Wonders
5. All Roads Lead to Las Vegas
Red Door’s Choice
Awarded by Red Door Family Shelter.
Viva Las Vegas!
Awarded for yumminess, combination of kit-supplied and augmented ingredients.
A Little Elf Wedding Chapel, Siegfried & Roy’s Candy Cave of Wonders
Awarded for outstanding technique, neatness of execution, and yumminess.
All Roads Lead to Las Vegas, Less is a Bore, ALL IN For the Holidays
Awarded for outstanding detail, spectacle, and yumminess.
Tinseltario, Desert Oasis, Luxor, the Lessor Known Red-Nosed Reindeer
Awarded for architectural and structural inventiveness, and yumminess.
Fear and Loafing in Las Cheetos, The Las Vegas Sphere Mem-oji, Sugar Strip Spectacle
Awarded for best home, environment, neighbourhood, and yumminess.
Goin’ to the Chapel and We’re Gonna Get Married (Redux), Less is More, Welcome to LRI’s Tinsel City
Awarded for best depiction of theme, “Tinsel City”, and yumminess.
Best Building, The Red Door is the Decorated Shed, Flamingo Hotel
Awarded for general awesomeness
Raymond’s Donuts, The Tinsel City Track, Golden Goose,
Congratulations to all for making this event a success and raising $5000 for the Red Door Family Shelter!